County Mayor | County Commissioners | Assessor of Property |Circuit Court Clerk | County Clerk |Register of Deeds | Road Supervisor | Sheriff | Trustee | School Board

County Mayor

David Sullivan,
County Mayor
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
Office: 931-946-2314
Cell: 931-235-2013 |
The County Mayor (Executive) is an ex office or non-voting member of the County Commission. The Mayor can only vote to break a tie on an agenda item. The Mayor also has veto power on an agenda vote. The County Mayor is the Chief Financial Officer of the county. The Mayor is instrumental in preparation of the budget.
The County Mayor is responsible for the day-to-day operation of county government. The Mayor will prepare the agenda and all relevant documents for County Court Meetings. The County Court will meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the County Commission Room at 121 Taft Drive Spencer, TN 38585. |

County Commissioners
District 1 |
District 2 |
District 3 |
District 4 |
District 5 |
Cale Crain Phone: 931-254-6972
Dusty Madewell Phone: 931-254-0914
Michael Chandler Phone: 931-247-3474
Terry Hodges Phone: 931-212-9249
Terry Hickey (Chairperson)
Home: 423-881-5853
Cell: 423-619-0533
Tommy Frady Phone: 423-710-5647
Tabitha Denney Phone: 931-224-5196
Kenny Smith Phone: 931-259-3326
Jordon Delong Phone: 931 -316-5708
Michael Woodlee Phone: 765-318-6094

Assessor of Property

Darlene Hale,
Assessor of Property
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2451 |
The Assessor of Property has the responsibility to discover, list, classify and value all property within Van Buren County. Property is divided into two classes, real property and personal property. Real property includes land and all buildings, structures and improvements to the land. Personal property is machinery and equipment, fixtures, furniture and other items that are moveable in nature and used by a business. |

Circuit Court Clerk

Lavetta Simmons
Circuit Court Clerk
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2153
The office of the Circuit Court Clerk is responsible for attending the Session, Circuit and Juvenile courts and providing the clerical function for the court. The Clerk also handles the collection, receipt and accounting for all litigation taxes, court costs, fines, fees and restitution as ordered by the court. The Clerk is responsible for the management of complaints, petitions, summons, orders and other document relating to lawsuits filed with the court. The Clerk handles the collection, receipt, and civil warrants, Detainer warrants, executions, garnishments, subpoenas and other related documents as assigned by law. The Clerk collects and disburses child support payments as ordered by the Circuit Court Judge. |

County Clerk

Lisa Rigsby
County Clerk
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(931) 946-2121
Notice of Business Licenses for Van Buren County
If you have a Business in Van Buren County you will need a Business License unless your gross amount of income is under $3000.000.
If your gross income is from $3000,00 to $10,000.00, you need to get a minimum Business license that stays here in Van Buren County for $15.00. You will renew this license ever year through the County Clerks Office.
If your gross amount of income is $10,000.00 or more, you will need to apply through the County Clerks Office for a Business License for $15.00 and this will go directly to the Department Of Revenue and you will renew this license every year though TNTAP (Department of Revenue).
Any questions please call your County Clerks Office at (931) 946-2121. |

The office of the County Clerk provides Vehicle Registration and Renewal. The County Clerk also provides Marriage License. Additional services include Business License, Duplicate Titles, Notaries and Boat Registration. The office keeps the minutes for the Beer Board. The County Clerk keeps and provides the Minutes for all County Commission Meetings.

Register of Deeds

April Shockley
Register of Deeds
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-7363 |
The Register of Deeds office is responsible for recording documents which affect the legal status of real property. The Register’s Office also collects recording taxes due to the state as required by law. This office is constantly working to improve our record management and are willing to assist at any time. |

Road Supervisor

Randy Oakes
Road Supervisor
PO Box 106
432 Sullivan Road
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2161 |
The Van Buren County Highway Department is responsible for all roads on the Van Buren County road list. The Highway Department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the entire county road system and bridges during all seasons including inclement weather. The County Highway Department is not responsible for state, city and private roads. The Highway Department works four ten hour days each week and stay on call at all times to clear roads to protect drivers safety. |


Michael Brock, Sheriff
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2118 |
The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for the policing of the community, service of warrants and courtroom security. The Sheriff’s Department also staffs and maintains the county jail. Van Buren County is a small community orientated law enforcement department that strives to serve the citizens of Van Buren County. Police protection is provided at all times for community safety. |


Beth Simmons, Trustee
121 Taft Drive
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2263
Venita Martin, Deputy Trustee
The Trustee is the banker for the county. Some of the duties include investing funds in Certificates of Deposit, collecting property taxes, receipting, depositing and distributing funds from the State of Tennessee, Van Buren County Schools, Highway Department, Ambulance Service, Sheriff’s Department, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Circuit Court Clerk, Clerk & Master, County Mayor’s Office and all collections from the Convenience Centers for Solid Waste. Other duties include maintaining tax records, assisting daily with tax searches and providing assistance to mortgage companies.
The Trustee also gives the School, Highway Department, Sheriff’s Department and County Mayor’s Office monthly reports. The Tax Relief Program is for the elderly or disabled or 100% disabled veterans. This program is beneficial to the Citizens of the county.
Ways to pay your property taxes:
- Pay In Person: 121 Taft Drive, Spencer TN, 38585
- Pay Online: citisenportal.com
- Pay By Mail: Van Buren Co. Trustee, PO Box 176, Spencer TN 38585
Partial Payments:
This office does NOT accept partial payments.
Other Information:
- Van Buren County taxes are for the calendar year of January 1Van Buren County taxes are for the calendar year of January 1 through December 31 of the same year. Tax notices are mailed to the property owner of record as of January 1st through December 31 of the same year. Tax notices are mailed to the property owner of record as of January 1st.
- Property tax notices are mailed in October. Payment period for county taxes are from the first Monday of October through the last day of February of the following year without penalty. Interest will be applied monthly beginning March st.
- The Trustee's office accepts post mark dates. The only time postal cancellation is not honored is when delinquent taxes are turned over to Chancery Court on April 1st.
- On March 1st, county taxes become delinquent and begin to accrue 1.5% penalty and interest and will increase each month thereafter.
- The Van Buren County Commission sets the property tax rate.
- Tennessee law does not require the mailing of tax notices indicating the amount of taxes due. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the responsibility of payment; nor is it a reason for penalty and interest charges to be waived if the tax bill becomes delinquent.
- The property Assessor is responsible for appraising the property values on which taxes are assessed, classifications of property and change of address.
- If your mailing address should change, please notify the Property Assessor's office at 931-946-2451

School Board
293 Sparta Street
Spencer, TN 38585
(931) 946-2242 |
District 1
Benjamin Grissom |
District 2
Tim Hodges |
District 3
Barry Austin |
District 4
David Shockley |
District 5
Glenece Cole |